The middle of May brings on a whole new meaning to the phrase “over-booked” in my household. With the end of school in sight, the kids (and therefore the moms, too) are always on the go. There are field trips to chaperone, choir and band concerts to attend, art shows to view and games to watch. When this happens, a weekly menu plan always saves the day!
I always look at my calendar as I’m planning out our menu. On the days when we need to be out of the house early, dinner will be something I’ve made ahead in the slow cooker. I will make a main dish that can easily be served and requires little extras to go with it. Slow Cooker Barbecue Sandwiches are one of those dinners. I add them to buns, lay fresh veggies and a few chips on the plate and dinner is served! Clean up is fairly easy and we are out the door on time!