Write for Us

PocketChangeGourmet is an open cookbook for everything interested in expanding their culinary skills. From appetizers to desserts and everything in between, this is the place to be! Because we care about the content we provide to our readers, we are now opening our doors to any writer who is willing to share their kitchen ideas, tips and tricks, recipes, and guides – from inexpensive recipes to family meal planning and more.

Are you a food magician with budget-friendly recipes? Submit your entry, and we’ll feature your work!

If you want to share your knowledge on our platform, here are some of our main guidelines for article writing and posting. The purpose of these guidelines is to make sure that we live up to the standards and deliver delicious, budget-friendly recipes and meal-planning guides to our readers. Here’s what you need to keep in mind before submitting your work:

Write for Us

  • Submitted content must be relevant to our platform
  • Content with images is welcome and much appreciated.
  • There must be 1000 words or more in the content.
  • There cannot be any marketing or advertising in the content.
  • There must be a brief biography of the author.
  • All content must be unique and authentic, according to plagiarism checkers.
Write for Us

PocketChangeGourmet’s editorial staff reserves the right to:

  • To edit and improve the materials before publishing them.

*We will not publish your content without your final approval

  • Disregard any content that does not comply with our guidelines
  • Turn down any piece of content that isn’t suitable for publication

Remember that our editors are always here to help! If you have any questions regarding the topic of choice or the submission process, go ahead and get in touch with a member of our team. Looking forward to hearing from you!