This time of year is great for the football fan. Whether you enjoy college football and bowl games that seem to occur daily or you are a fan of the NFL and love the lead up to the “big game” there’s bound to be a reason to host a tailgating party for friends and family. These Football Shaped Sandwiches are easy, go together in a snap and perfect for any football get-together!
These tasty sandwiches are easy to assemble and will be a fun addition to all the appetizers, chips, dips and desserts you serve.
Using a Football shaped cookie cutter, simply cut out from the pieces of bread. I didn’t have a Football cookie cutter, so I just used a large round cutter and formed it like a Football.
Tip: use the leftover scraps to make croutons, they go great on salads.
For the lines on the Football, add mayonnaise to a plastic squeeze bottle and simply draw them on. Be sure to add them either right before serving or up to an hour before, the mayo will soak into the bread.
If an actual game isn’t on your agenda, have a football themed family movie night. Make these sandwiches for dinner, serve some snacks and watch When The Game Stands Tall with the family. You can get the Blue-ray + DVD + Digital HD copy at for $24.96.
We LOVED this movie! I can’t recommend it enough. It has a great message about team work, and looking beyond yourself in any situation. It really touched home with our middle son that played High School football, but we all really liked it.
Football Shaped Sandwiches
- Pumpernickel Bread
- Cheese Slices – we used Swiss and Colby Jack
- Lunchmeat – we used Roast Beef and Ham
- Mayonnaise
- Football shaped cookie cutter
- Plastic Squeeze Bottle
- Cut football shapes from bread
- Cut football shapes from cheese
- Assemble sandwiches
- Add mayo to bottle, pipe on laces right before serving
Serve some delicious food, curl up with the kids and enjoy the movie. It’s a great way to enjoy some football between games and to spend some family time that everyone will be sure to remember.