Are you tired of buying kitchen utensils that don’t last? We’ve found what could be the last set of kitchen utensils you may ever need from Saucepan Chef and we’re giving away three (3) complete sets to our loyal readers!

A couple of months ago we received a set of Saucepan Chefs’ kitchen utensils and we’re asked to give them a try and give them some feedback. So here it is, this is a product that was designed to last. There are not many products out there today that can say that. When I first took them out of their packaging my first reaction was, Wow! these tools are sturdy. the handles are long enough to keep your hands out of even your deepest pot.

These tools were designed by a home cook just like you and me. I like that, it lets me know that they are made by someone who knows what we need in the kitchen. Don’t take it from me, here it from the founder of Saucepan Chef and designer.

These utensils are thoughtfully designed for the home cook who wants cooking to be easy. Being designed for saucepans they look different than standard kitchen utensils but this is good and in my opinion one of the greatest benefits is that the heat from cooking doesn’t transfer through the handle so there’s no worry about picking up a hot handle if you forget to take it out of the pan.

So what utensils do you get in a set of Saucepan Chef kitchen utensils… you get 1 each of the following

  • Spoon
  • Spatula
  • Slotted Spoon
  • Ladle
  • Knife
  • Spork

Yes a Spork, how cool is that!

Well what do you think? Are you ready to enter?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Christy Spurlock

    I love any dual purpose kitchen utensil. Anything that would reduce the amount of utensils I currently have.

  2. Laura Morris

    The spork sounds like the greatest one ever how cool is that?!?!!!

  3. It would keep me from burning my hands, it would be EASY to clean, and it would last forever without melting or looking junky.

  4. Debbie Lind

    I would like for the spoon to stay on the pot and not melt. So the counters and spoon rest could stay clean.

  5. Donna Harris

    Nice size rubber/nylon spoon to cook with. Not a ladle, just nice size spoon.

  6. Karen Boblett

    It would be a wooden spoon that wouldn’t get yukey when I am using it to cook oatmeal in the morning.

  7. I think a non melting handled one would be nice.

  8. The perfect utensil would be one that would have many uses all in one.

  9. Pat Walker Pinkston

    A spatula big enough for pancakes, or a small spatula for getting pieces out of a rectangular pan without messing up the other parts. The first piece is almost impossible to get out without tearing the cake around it.

  10. A spatula large enough to get out a large helping of a casserole or lasagna.

  11. Cheryl Christian

    A pizza stone that had handles built on to pull out of the oven.

  12. Any multi use equipment that is up for heavy use, is easy to store and lasts for a long time!

  13. iris marx

    I would love a utensil that stirs, strains and has a fork like end to break up cooking meat, like hamburger, etc.

  14. A self cleaning dual purpose strainer, stirring utensil

  15. These look great – I’m tired of utensils that get flimsy when they get warm. And who doesn’t need a spork – very cool!

  16. I’m excited at the thought of possibly getting new cooking utensils. This from the cook who still uses her plastic avocado green spoon and slotted spoon received at her bridal shower! Besides being a little stained, they’re still “ticking,” as it were. Love your recipes! Thanks for all you do.

  17. I would design a pot that would tell me when my pasta was done just right!

    • Actually, if it were a utensil, I guess it would have to be a spoon of some kind that would be able to read the “doneness” of the pasta, kind of like a meat thermometer!

  18. I would create a tong like device, with a large spoon on one side and a screen spoon on the other.

  19. anne harris

    i like all the ideas mentioned above! The tonglikedevice I can really see, kinda like the salad tongs, but more durable.
    hm. that would be somewhat easy to rig up, putting a large spoon and a slotted spoon together, hinged at the top.

  20. A push button silicone whisk would be great.

  21. Michelle S.

    Anything that is self washing would be great! I have a nice set of tongs that I use often and a slotted spoon with a flat tip that I use often, so maybe a combo of those 2 things somehow.

  22. Andy Kukta

    A ladle that has a side area for tasting, I usually spill on myself.