Welcome to the very first party of the new and improved
Delicious Dishes Recipe Party!
Delicious Dishes is a weekly link party where bloggers can share their
most delicious recipes all while checking out the amazing recipes that
other bloggers are sharing.
Each week we will be featuring our favorite recipes from the week before
and pinning them to our Delicious Dishes Pinterest board.
We hope you’ll have fun with our party…we know we will!
 And remember…each link you share here will be  shown on each of the blogs listed below…  

Pocket Change Gourmet 
Pocket Change Gourmet, “is a collaborative effort aimed at helping families rediscover the joy of cooking a delicious frugal meal together.
We look forward to sharing our ideas and experiences as we grow.”
Whole Foods | Real Families
Blog / Facebook / Pinterest
Cynthia is the recipe creator behind Whole Foods | Real Families.  She is “on a mission to eat well in a large family without an endless budget; find pleasure in seasonal, unrefined food; and cook without the assistance of a manufacturing plant.”
Walking on Sunshine Recipes
 Walking on Sunshine Recipes is a lifestyle blog where Lois “shares a little of her life but more importantly what’s for dinner at her house tonight.”
Now let’s get this Delicious party started!  



  1. Hey ladies! Congratulations on a great party! I’ve liked and followed all three of you. Thanks so much for hosting and Happy New Year!
    Donya @A Southern Soul

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