When it comes to the best Greek desserts, there are some traditional recipes that have been around for a long time for good reason. They’re easy to make at home, perfect for a wide range of festivities and celebrations, and so delicious you simply need to try them for yourself.
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A perennial favorite, Baklava is a rich and sweet pastry created from phyllo (also sometimes spelled “fillo”) dough. It has chopped nuts and sweet syrup or honey inside, and some recipes may add in almonds or pistachios.
To make your own Baklava, you will need the following ingredients:
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon
- ½ cup sugar
- ½ pound unsalted butter, melted
- ½ pound almonds (coarsely ground)
- 1 pound walnuts (coarsely ground)
- 18 (9×12-inch) phyllo pastry sheets
For the syrup, you will need:
- 1 ½ cups sugar
- 2 cups water
- 10 cloves
- Juice from ½ a lemon
There are many ways to make baklava, so this recipe attempts to break the steps down in categories to help you plan if you want to prepare before baking. Begin by preparing the filling and phyllo.Mix together the sugar, cinnamon, almonds, and walnuts in a large bowl. Set it aside and preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.Remove the phyllo roll from the plastic very carefully, using scissors to cut the sheets in 9×12 inches if needed. Cover the stack with wax paper and a damp towel to avoid the paper drying out while you work.Next, use a pastry brush to coat the bottom and sides of a 9×12-inch pan with the melted butter.Layer the phyllo, brushing each sheet with more melted butter. You can stack about 6 sheets. Then, add half of the nut mixture evenly and pat it down with a spatula to hold in place. Keep layering the phyllo and brushing with melted butter and nuts, topping it off with the last two phyllo sheets.Bake for around 45 minutes or until the phyllo becomes golden.To make the syrup, begin by combining the sugar and water in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Mix well, and then add the cloves. Simmer over medium-high for around 20 minutes or until the syrup thickens. Then, remove the pan from heat and discard the cloves.Add in lemon juice and allow the syrup to cool.When the baklava is cooling from the oven, ladle the syrup over the entire dish.
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Melopita is a Greek dessert that mixes cheesecake and custard together, and it’s often customized in a variety of ways. Also known as Honey Pie, this recipe can also be used with a pre-made crust to save on cook time, or you can alter the recipe slightly to make smaller tarts instead.
For this Melopita recipe, collect the following ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons flour
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon brandy
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 2 large eggs
- 4 ½ tablespoons sugar, divided
- 4 ½ tablespoons honey (preferably wildflower honey)
- 18 ounces of soft mizithra cheese (or ricotta cheese)
Preheat the oven to 350-degrees Fahrenheit and butter a 10-inch ceramic pie dish while waiting for the oven to heat up.Beat the eggs and 3 ½ tablespoons of sugar together in a large bowl until creamy or around 3 minutes. Then, add in the flour and stir. Add the honey next, beating until the mixture is well combined. Then, add in the brandy and lemon juice.Next, add the cheese to the bowl. Beat the mixture until it’s fully blended or around 2 minutes.Pour the batter into the pie dish and bake for 30 minutes or until it appears golden in color and firm in the center.Sprinkle the warm cake with the last tablespoon of sugar and cinnamon, and serve.
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A simple shortbread cookie topped with powdered sugar and almonds, Kourabiethes are found at any Greek family celebration but especially around Christmas time. They melt in your mouth, and the recipe is easy to make.
Create your own Kourabiethes at home with the following ingredients:
- ½ cup of sugar
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon
- ½ cup brandy (or cognac)
- 2 ½ cups butter
- 3 cups unsalted almonds, roasted and crushed
- 3 egg yolks
- 4 cups flour
- 3 cups powdered sugar
If you need to roast the almonds first, begin by doing so. You can roast almonds in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for around 6 minutes. You can also purchase pre-roasted almonds at the store.Preheat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.While you’re waiting on the oven, crush the almonds into tiny pieces using a food processor. If you don’t have a food processor, you can put the almond in a plastic bag and crush them using a mallet or rolling pin. You may also find pre-crushed almonds at the store to make this process much easier.Next, beat together the egg yolks, butter, and sugar. Add in the brandy, almonds, and cinnamon. Then, add the flour one cup at a time. Mix it all together.Test out the dough. If it feels too stiff, add a bit of water. Alternatively, if the dough is too sticky, try adding some more flour. Place your dough on a floured countertop surface and knead the dough for about two minutes. Then, roll the dough into balls or any other shape you prefer. Place them on a cookie sheet and bake them for around 25-30 minutes.After you have moved the cookies to a serving plate, garnish them with powdered sugar one cup at a time, dusting the tips of the cookies completely. You can also place the powdered sugar in a bowl and roll each cookie in the sugar to generously cover each.
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A traditional Greek cookie, Melomakarona are typically served around the Christmas season in Greece. They’re soft spiced honey cookies with orange, cinnamon, and almond flavors drenched in a sweet syrup. The recipe calls for brandy, but you can use any whiskey or your favorite Scotch as well.
To make the cookies, you will need:
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 tablespoon orange zest
- ¼ cup of sugar
- ¼ cup orange juice
- ½ cup brandy (or whiskey)
- 1 cup olive oil
- 3 cups flour
- ½ cup chopped walnuts
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
For the syrup, collect the following ingredients:
- ½ cup of sugar
- 1 cup honey
- 1 cup water
Preheat the oven to 350-degrees Fahrenheit. While the oven is reaching temperature, mix together the flour, baking soda, and baking powder in a bowl. Set aside.Use another bowl to combine the brandy, oil, orange juice, sugar, and orange rind.Then, add the mixture to the flour and knead lightly for five minutes. Use a spoon to collect the dough and roll each portion into round 3-inch pieces, placing them on the greased baking tray. Place in the oven for about 20 minutes or until they’re light brown in color.Next, make the syrup by mixing together the honey, sugar, and water in a saucepan. Allow it to boil for five minutes and then remove from heat to cool.Finally, dip each cookie in the syrup and place on a serving bowl. Pour the remaining syrup over the top of the cookies, allowing them to bathe in it, and garnish using the cinnamon and chopped walnuts. Eat the cookies from the bottom of the dish first.
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A delicious Greek Semolina sponge cake that’s flavored with lemon, orange zest, and a touch of simple syrup, this treat is moist and easy to make in advance. The recipe takes about an hour.
Make your own Revani at home with the following ingredients:
- ½ cup unsalted butter
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1 cup flour
- 1 cup fine semolina
- 1 ½ cups of water
- 1 ½ cups sugar
- 3 eggs, separated
- 2 (3-inch) strips of orange zest
- Lemon zest
- Pinch of salt
- Powdered sugar for garnish
- Ground cinnamon (optional)
- ½ cup chopped almonds, lightly toasted (optional)
To make the cake, preheat the oven to 350-degrees Fahrenheit. While waiting for the oven to preheat, grease the sides and bottom of your 9 x 13 pan. Set aside.Mix together the semolina, flour, and baking powder in a medium bowl.Then, use an electric hand mixer to beat together the butter and sugar until the mixture becomes light and fluffy. Add in each egg yolk one at a time and continue mixing until the batter becomes light yellow in color. Next, add in the vanilla extract and lemon zest.Turn the mixer to low speed. Add the flour mixture you previously set aside in batches of three, alternating it with the milk.Beat the egg whites in another bowl with a pinch of salt, to taste. Use a spatula to fold the egg whites into the batter until they’re just barely blended. Don’t overmix or the egg whites will flatten.Pour the batter onto your greased pan and bake for around 45 minutes or until the cake is golden.To make the syrup, place the sugar, water, and orange zest in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, and then simmer for around 5 minutes. Next, add the lemon juice and allow it to cool.When the cake is still warm, drizzle it with the syrup. Allow it to cool, and then sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar, cinnamon, and almonds if desired.
Traditional Greek Desserts Taste Great
All of these Greek desserts are easy to make at home and taste wonderful. While some recipes are for more traditional Christmas cookies, each treat is sure to delight your guests. They’re great for any holiday or festive family gathering.