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Napa cabbage, carrot, pepper, chicken, egg, onion, cilantro in ceramic bowl

Asian Chicken Salad Recipe

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  • Author: Colleen
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


Napa cabbage subs for noodles in this delicious fresh salad version of your favorite Ramen. AnAsian Chicken Salad loaded with veggies, topped with pickled red onions and a sesame ginger dressing. Crisp, refreshing, nutritious, and delectable!



For the salad:

1 clove garlic minced;

1 inch fresh ginger grated;

1 large carrot shaved with vegetable peeler;

1 bell pepper chopped;

1 pound chicken breast tenderloins;

1 small Napa cabbage;

1/2 cup pickled red onions;

2 green onions, sliced;

fresh cilantro leaves, stemmed;

For the sesame ginger vinaigrette:

2 Tablespoons Tamari (or soy sauce);

1 teaspoon sesame oil;

2 Tablespoons rice wine vinegar;

1 Tablespoon honey;

1/4 cup olive oil;

1 Tablespoon grated ginger;

1 clove minced garlic;

1/2 teaspoon dried red chili flakes


  1. First, place 2 eggs in small pan and cover with water. Bring to a boil an reduce to simmer. Simmer 7 minutes. Here are more detailed instructions to make perfect eggs.
  2. Meanwhile, heat medium skillet over medium heat with 1 Tablespoon olive oil and a dash of sesame oil. Add 1 clove of pressed garlic and Tablespoon of grated ginger.
  3. Sauté the chicken breast tenderloins in the pan for 3-4 minutes per side until golden and cooked through. Transfer to a dish to chill in the refrigerator.
  4. Egg timer should have rung by now. Drain eggs and rinse under cold water. Add ice cubes to the water to chill the eggs and stop cooking process.
  5. Next, make the dressing: grate ginger, press garlic clove, and mix all dressing ingredients in small bowl. Whisk to combine. Alternatively, add ingredients to small jar and shake to combine.
  6. Then cut Napa cabbage into quarters lengthwise and remove outermost leaves. Chop into bite sized pieces. 1/4 cabbage should be plenty for each salad.
  7. Chop peppers into bite sized pieces, shave carrots with vegetable peeler, and slice green onions.
  8. Finally, fill each salad bowl with Napa cabbage, add peppers, carrots, chicken breast, pickled onions. Drizzle dressing on top. Sprinkle green onion and cilantro if desired.


*Go crazy with the veggies. Like broccoli? Add it! Prefer kale? Go for it. Sliced celery, shaved Brussels sprouts, radishes all could make great appearances in this salad.

*Grilled chicken breast, thighs, or tofu can be substituted for the chicken tenderloins.

*There are several great Asian vinaigrettes out there that you can use as a shortcut.

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10